
This site is largely adapted from the website of Dr. Wu’s research website (

The following context is from Dr. Wu’s introduction about the source code for this web template.

This site is largely built upon the website of Bedford Lab Research, a true piece of art. I came across and immediately adopted it during the summer of 2015 while attending the UW Summer Institute of Statistical Methods for Infectious Diseases. I thank Trevor and link here to his more detailed instructions for building and using the site. The current site is based on further improvements by Drummond Lab.

The source code for reconstructing this site is here with small fixes and extra customizations.

Logo photo credit: Jiawei Bai.



A.A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging
Harvard University
149 Thirteenth Street,
Boston, MA 02129

Email: zihaowangobfuscate[punto]gmail[punto]com
Office Phone: +1-617-286-2425

Direction to my office[.pdf]