01 Jan 2023

Project Introduction: Football Players Health Study

I am also involoved in the Football Players Health Study at Harvard University (FPHS). I am working on the brain lesion analysis and disease prediction using AI techniques.

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The Football Players Health Study at Harvard University is a comprehensive research program launched in 2014. Our primary objective is to examine the multifactorial causes that impact the health and wellbeing of former NFL players. Through our interdisciplinary study, we have initiated various research initiatives to explore the wide spectrum of health conditions and concerns reported by former players, both in the short and long term. Our research model is community-based and participatory, with direct input from players and their families guiding the focus of our research since its inception and continuing into our second funding period, which started in July 2022.

Between 2017 and 2022, our Study conducted in-person assessments of over 100 players at Harvard-affiliated hospitals. Former players from across the country were flown in to undergo a battery of comprehensive head-to-assessments.

What Sets Us Apart

Comprehensive Lifetime Study: Unlike many research programs that focus on a single health concern, such as post-mortem neuro-cognitive research, we study players throughout their lifetime. Our goal is to examine the entire spectrum of health and disease that affects their physical and mental wellbeing, enabling us to develop interventions that improve their overall health and quality of life. We also investigate how the game of football, including the specific positions played, impacts the health of players and their families, shedding light on both the benefits and risks involved.

Dedicated Expertise: Our team of investigators and researchers hails from Harvard-affiliated teaching hospitals and other universities. They bring expertise in a range of domains, including heart and brain health, sleep disorders, chronic pain, and mobility. By studying the intersection between the player population and underlying conditions or co-morbidities, we gain valuable insights into the mechanisms at play.

AI-powered Brain Lesion Analysis and Disease Prediction: In addition to our comprehensive research, we leverage artificial intelligence techniques for advanced brain lesion analysis and disease prediction. By utilizing AI algorithms, we can analyze brain imaging data to identify and characterize lesions accurately. This enables us to assess the impact of these lesions on players’ health and predict the likelihood of associated diseases, providing crucial information for early intervention and personalized care.

Pathway to Longevity Research: Our research extends to the study of early aging among former players. We provide tips and guidance for positive lifestyle changes, along with information on how players can discuss this evolving research with their healthcare providers. Health equity is a fundamental aspect of our research, as we explore the role of race as a social determinant of health among players.

Active Participation and Past Projects: Learn how former players can participate in our research and explore our current and past projects to gain a deeper understanding of our ongoing work.


We Listen: Former players’ input forms the foundation of our work. We prioritize their top health concerns, ensuring that our research aligns with their needs and experiences.

Whole Player Focus: We recognize that player health is complex and cannot be reduced to a single condition or injury. That’s why we study the various aspects of health that may be affected by a professional football career over time.

Actionable Information: Our study team breaks down our findings and provides players with valuable information and resources. We strive to equip them with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions about their health.

Privacy and Confidentiality: The privacy of our participants is paramount. Our research team takes every possible precaution to ensure that all shared information is kept entirely confidential.

For more information about our research and how former players can get involved, please visit our website.