Anatomical Variations of the Human Cochlea Using an Image Analysis Tool

Raabid Hussain, Attila Frater, Roger Calixto, Chadlia Karoui, Jan Margeta, Zihao Wang, Michel Hoen, Herve Delingette, François Patou, Charles Raffaelli, Clair Vandersteen and Nicolas Guevara (2022). Journal of Clinical Medicine

Anatomical Variations of the Human Cochlea Using an Image Analysis Tool


Raabid Hussain, Attila Frater, Roger Calixto, Chadlia Karoui, Jan Margeta, Zihao Wang, Michel Hoen, Herve Delingette, François Patou, Charles Raffaelli, Clair Vandersteen and Nicolas Guevara


The aim of this study was to better understand the anatomy of the cochlea and its variability in size and shape, which is important for developing less traumatic electrode arrays and insertion guidance for cochlear implantation surgery. The shape and size of the cochlea can also influence the choice of cochlear implant electrode, with flexible electrode arrays being preferred for more complex cochlear shapes, whilst rigid electrodes are more suitable for cochleae with a more straightforward shape and ossifications. Knowledge of the density and location of spiral ganglion cells can help surgeons choose an electrode array that is most likely to provide good electrical contact with the spiral ganglion cells coupled with minimal frequency mismatch and therefore exhibiting the best hearing outcomes for the patient [41]. In addition, knowledge of cochlear morphology can help surgeons in identifying any abnormalities or variations in the anatomy of the cochlea that may impact on the placement or function of the cochlear implant electrode. By understanding these variations, surgeons can tailor their surgical approach to the specific needs of each patient. Previous studies have mostly focused on the size, rather than the shape and other parameters, and have only been able to analyze a small number of temporal bones due to the time-consuming nature of manual measurements which limits the scope of the analysis.


  title     = "A new extraordinary means of appeal in the Polish criminal
               procedure: the basic principles of a fair trial and a complaint
               against a cassatory judgment",
  author    = "Zbiciak, Adrian and Markiewicz, Tymon",
  journal   = "Access to Justice in Eastern Europe",
  publisher = "East-European Law Research Center",
  volume    =  6,
  number    =  2,
  pages     = "1--18",
  month     =  mar,
  year      =  2023,
  language  = "en"